(ref: Should "let-me-google-it-for-you" questions be tolerated?)
When questions are asked without googling first, it does tend to show in the quality of the question.
Now, I can be polite and actually google the question and post the first link that comes up (as I have done a few times) along with a handy downvote if the need arises.
Or I can do something like this (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+lmgtfy), in the comments.
It does seem a bit offensive the first time, but people usually understand the message, and usually dont repeat the mistake of not googling first (atleast in another forum I was part of). Granted this does come across as a bit sarcastic, but do you think its okay to use these links to encourage new users to google first ? If you get these links in an answer, would you be discouraged from asking questions here?
Or should we just stick to the polite comment ("Remember Google is your friend") ?