Some more button for the Visual editor tool-bar
(for improved visual editor support for the formatting task).
In a list form; some features that are important, so requires visual support. (Also the visual support works as a good tutorial, on the same time.)
For special characters like degree sign or ° (as in °C or °F), greek letters like γ , Γ etc; angstrom sign (I do not know command for it), Subscript , Superscript , Strike-out , no-execution <sup> abcd </sup>
, etc; And for math and chemistry equations (as SE prefers MathJax and Lattex language for that sort of formating) some basic templates for chemistry and math equation, and if possible and a draw table feature with MathJax or Lattex Array.
- P. S. 1 : some formatting tasks which are very important, allowed, but absent in visual editor: .
The commands are mostly from markdown with allowing some basic HTML commands
Feature Name, Example, Command, comment
Greek (Caps), Λ, Λ
(Greek letter name initial in caps)
Another example, Ω, Ω
Greek (small), λ, λ
(Greek letter name initial in small)
Another example, ω, ω
Degree , °, °
Application: °C, °F 45°
Subscript, Subscript, <sub>Text under Subscript</sub>
, application: 6CO2 , 8O2 .
Superscript, Superscript, <sup>Superscript</sup>
, application: 10-9, 13C , 136C168O2.
Strike-out, Strike-Out, <strike>Strike-Out</strike>
, (given only in question mark ?
No-execution of command; <strike>abcd</strike>
, `` Text under a pair of backtick characters.
These type of commands should be available in the visual editor.
- PS:2 Some of the formatting task, like basic chemistry and math equations require MathJax; but Lack of visual editor makes them cumbersome for beginners in this site.
SE recommends MathJax, a variant of Latex, to write chemistry and math equations. Some sites use LaTex array to make tables; which could be helpful in answering, too, as the text could be easily extracted from such type of tables.
The proposal is being declared as community wiki. If anyone want to add/ elaborate/ reframe statements (except delete others' input); they could do that. As it seems user@David tried to add up lot of details through a separate answer. Anyone could improve this answer.
A "community wiki" post means a post designated for edit and improve by multiple users' collaborative efforts; so not restricted by ownership of one individual user. Anyone with certain small-amount of reputation (score or points), can participate in a community wiki. In contrast to community-wiki posts; a "NON-community-wiki" means anything here excluding than community wiki; i.e. non-community wikis are any posts restricted to ownership of one user.