In light of AliceD's question [here](, I decided to start a tag: management, merging, and cleanup post. The idea is being borrowed from math.SE. ---------- The rules of the game are: * post your suggestion as an answer here if use see * a particularly bad tag (rule of thumb: «roughly speaking ... if I can't imagine a person classifying a tag as either interesting or ignored, I'm getting rid of it»), * a tag that should be a synonym of an existing one, * a tag that used for two or more completely unrelated things; * upvote/downvote/comment as your agree/disagree with suggestions; * wait a day or two before implementing suggestion; * when retagging questions by hand please keep your rate down to a few posts a day, so not to flood the main page. ---------- The rules were borrowed from [here]( Also, the linked thread will give everyone and opportunity to see how it works.