So a full site has privileges associated with more reputation points needed:
- Users with 15 rep can flag posts.
- Users with 500 rep can review posts from new users.
- Users with 2,000 rep can edit any question or answer in the system.
- Users with 3,000 rep can cast close and open votes.
- Users with 10,000 rep can cast delete and undelete votes on questions, and have access to a moderation dashboard.
- Users with 15,000 rep can protect posts.
- Users with 20,000 rep can cast delete votes on negatively voted answers.
Now we are still at Beta, users with 4000 rep have access to all the moderation tools. In fact, there are only two people at Bio with 20k rep.
What will happen with the poor souls like me with 4k < rep < 20k? Will we loose our moderator tools?