Community Moderator for Geographic Information Systems SE and Moderator Pro Tem for Genealogy & Family History SE.
Freelance ArcGIS Specialist with 25+ years Esri software experience, working principally with ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcPy/Python, Geoprocessing (including Geoprocessing Services and ModelBuilder), Data Driven Pages, Zoology & Genealogy.
Author of:
- ArcGIS Pro, ArcPy, ArcGIS for Desktop and Google Earth eLearning videos which are available via Discover Spatial
- Twelve minute flying start to ArcGIS Pro
- Using Python dictionaries with ArcPy
- Using Pseudo-dynamic Text in ArcPy Map Automation
- Writing Parsable Python for ArcGIS Field Calculator
- On Demand PDF Maps made easy using ArcPy
- ArcPy/Python tips for creating test data and performance timing code snippets
- Using ArcPy Cursors to Split by Attribute and Location
- Map Books made easy using Data Driven Pages
- Introduction to Queensland Globe
- Introduction to New South Wales Globe
- Introductory to Advanced level ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcPy training courses which are available Instructor-led or Self-paced - see PolyGeo website
Available for commercial ArcGIS consulting, training and support assignments, and willing to provide quotations to tackle any intractable ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcPy problems which appear on GIS Stack Exchange when they may be unsuitable to resolving expediently using its focussed Question & Answer format.
Take a brief survey to make your ArcGIS for Desktop (and ArcPy) Training needs known!
SupporterJun 8, 2017
AutobiographerJun 8, 2017
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