I have only really been active here for about 3 months, so I’m not very familiar with this site’s policies and ambitions. My main site is EL&U.
I often come across questions that exhibit no effort whatsoever on the part of the OP to investigate the topic, for example here, here and here.
When I look to close questions that show no effort whatsoever, I don’t know what to use as a closing reason. I am unsure about the homework reason; I don’t know if it’s homework or not. They are not unclear or too broad; they just show absolutely no research effort.
On ELU, we have a close option for questions that show no research which directs them to generally available resources. Online dictionaries, thesauruses, style and grammar sites abound, and we expect that anyone asking a grammar question, for example, has a grammar book to look at.
Not everyone who asks a question on Biology.se has a good biology text in front of them. But really, if I google their question as it is asked, and get numerous hits, that just annoys me. My preference would be that they at least make the effort to google their question.
Does Biology.se have a minimum expectation of it’s OPs? Is it accurately reflected in closing reasons? Should the closing reasons be re-examined and reworded?