
I have just created the extra-cellular-matrix tag, because it best describes my question. Besides, even the basal lamina alone is important enough to warrant a tag, and ECM would be the superset of that. I haven't yet checked which existing questions fit this tag, but I'm sure I will find some when I have the time to do so (and if not I can ask a few myself =)).

I realized that there are also some questions about biofilms. A biofilm is "kind of like an ECM for bacteria", so perhaps it could just fall under the extra-cellular-matrix tag. However, I'm not sure if biofilms technically count as ECM.

Does anyone have an opinion on the existing extra-cellular-matrix tag, the hypothetical basal-lamina and biofilm tags, and how they should relate to each other?


1 Answer 1


ECM is different from biofilm. Biofilm is a community and a functional biological system in itself (it is not a sort of ECM for bacteria). ECM is not a functional system in itself. You can have an artificial ECM as well (as in the case of coated cell culture flasks).


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