In the review queue some verdicts end up with being accompanied by an automated comment, for example a delete vote on an answer. I can't find a good example online (many of mine indeed got deleted :-) but it states:
This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have
sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post;
instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the
asker. - From Review – X
And that one has all the fancy links included.
Otherwise, I often write a customized response myself and then you can decide to include the links to the relevant page of the help center. The page on what topics should I avoid asking is one I often cite and link, for example.
I have to add that I only go through the hassle of linking pages and explaining when I believe OP is serious about it. Many OPs appearing in the 'First Questions' review queue are of the hit-and-run type and I, personally, often don't even bother to write an extensive help comment [anymore! -- I reviewed 1.7k first-posts and at times I'm getting a bit tired of those volatile users]. I really appreciate new energetic members that are putting time and effort in helping potential new users on their way on this fascinating site. We were in Beta mode not so long ago and we should keep the spirits up.