Ok, so I'm posting an answer since you've repeatedly pinged me about reopening.
I don't think the Q should be open, since it is of extremely limited value to the site. Whether it should be reopened is clearly up to the community though, and other persons than me also voted too keep closed. However, now it is open, so you got your wish. I find it a poor choice though, and I don't really see how we can have any pretence of maintaining the quality of BioSE if we keep this kind of questions open. What is the bar for closing questions as unclear in other cases (not only species ID questions), if questions like this one is kept open? IDing a species based on this picture (except of maybe saying that it is an insect) is basically the same as reading tea leaves, and hardly anything to be encouraged. But we obviously disagree here...
About the 99% vs 1%...
Whether you think that you can provide an answer doesn't really have anything to do with it; somebody can always imagine that they can provide some sort of answer to all questions that we close as "too broad" or "unclear". That doesn't mean that the Q should be open. To me, the only people this Q might be of value to is the OP (even though there is a fairly big chance that he/she will get dubious/misleading answers due to the poor quality of the picture) and somebody answering the Q (by getting reputation). It is unlikely to be of any value to other visitors. If you think that you can write a nice overview about bed bug characteristics inspired by the question, that is all fine and well. However, that should be posted at a wiki or a personal webpage, since it doesn't have much to do with the SE Q/A-format of answering specific questions, what is of general interest and value.
About this specific question, and for the record, I've been talking to a friend of mine that is an expert on domestic pest insects, and he also thought that it is impossible to say for certain whether this is a bed bug or not (from this picture). It doesn't obviously look like a bed bug though. This was also my original point, and why I think that the question should be closed (it is too unclear to answer with any certainty).
Again re: "Should a question remain closed if 99% of users cannot use the picture..."...:
I don't really see the difference here between one user finding a non-species ID Q interesting enough to keep open, even though 99% of users find it unclear (or too broad etc), which normally would lead to the Q being closed. However, closing of questions as unclear, too broad etc is always a judgement call that is up to the community, and users always have different backgrounds, expertise and knowledge. This question isn't any different in that sense.
tag has been added? I'm thinking below (or in place of) the "How to Format" box that appears to the right of the text input box. Or, alternatively, as a link along with "formatting help" or "asking help". Clearly asking for location and a good photo in the tag description isn't effective neough on its own... $\endgroup$