
I'm already aware that StackExchange websites are not for advices/recommendations/broad questions and I enjoy this as a Stackoverflow user. However, as a complete ignorant toward biology I would like to get general advices about a field of biology.

Where can I do that ? Is SE suggesting websites to do so ?

  • $\begingroup$ Quora is a good place if you are looking for advice but you definitely need to ping competent people through Ask to answer. Finding them is a difficult task because top answerers are not the specialists of the field there, you will find a writer (I don't remember correctly, he was probably a career-consultant) among the top answerers of Genetics. Also try reddit. It is pretty good and has subreddits for many branches of biology. $\endgroup$
    – Tyto alba
    Commented Feb 6, 2017 at 12:28

1 Answer 1


Biology is a huge field. There are forums on specific biology topics. I haven't used/checked out forums other than those on bioinformatics. You can use our chat for discussions about biology. Discussions are not allowed on the main site because the crux generally gets lost. SE does not have any specific recommendations.


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