I have always been of the opinion that requests for book recommendations did not fit on SE biology, and have voted to close them on the technical basis that they are matters of opinion. My broader objection is that they are clearly not problems in biology, but problems of biologists. Answering is also difficult because a good recommendation requires knowledge of the educational background of the poster, and that the answerer is familiar with more than one book.
Hence I have no problem with the current SE Biology policy of closing such questions, as was done recently with one about Lewin’s Genes v. Alberts Molecular Biology of the Cell.
However, while on another SE site I frequent — English Language & Usage — I was reminded of the fact that that site allows such questions on Meta. I wonder whether that has ever been considered here. I had my fingers burnt during the covid pandemic over promoting Meta for a repository of reliable information. However my faith in human nature continues undimmed (or something).