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2 votes
0 answers

Should the glymphatic system be covered by extending the lymphatic system tag? Does it warrant a separate tag? Neither?

Wikipedia's Glymphatic system includes the following: Glymphatic flow was initially believed to be the complete answer to the long-standing question of how the sensitive neural tissue of the CNS ...
-1 votes
1 answer

What is the problem with breasts?

Until a few minutes ago, Biology SE had questions with the tag breasts. Then, a moderator swiftly orphaned the tag by editing the following questions in quick succession: What controls the size of ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to tag questions about animals or other living things surviving being frozen for a long time? Is a new tag needed or just adjust cryonics tag?

Has the 2018 report of nematodes frozen for 30 to 40,000 years been confirmed? Has 14C dating confirmed their age? asks about a July 2018 paper in Doklady Biological Sciences Viable Nematodes from ...
2 votes
1 answer

Tags for species and families of mammals familiar to humans

At the moment, Biology SE has tags cat (species), dogs (species), feline (family), mammals (class). A bit messy. My proposal: Species — Either singular or plural. Hence, either tags cat and dog or ...
2 votes
0 answers

Biology tag management, merging, and cleanup (2015)

In light of AliceD's question here, I decided to start a tag: management, merging, and cleanup post. The idea is being borrowed from math.SE. The rules of the game are: post your suggestion as an ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why is there an "untagged" tag?

There is a tag called "untagged". All of the questions have only this one tag (which has no wiki), which might suggest that there were no appropriate existing tags at the time and the asker didn't ...
13 votes
4 answers

Should we use broad categories for tagging?

Biology is an extremely wide field, questions ranging from zoology, botany to biochemistry are all on-topic here. A mechanism for users to get a rough selection of questions they are actually ...